Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Many things have happened in the last 6 months. I have learned much about myself and the person that I would like to be. I still fail to understand what heavenly father wants me to learn from these experiences. I pray each day that he can help me to understand and be the servant that he needs me to be. I wonder sometimes, why we are given so many oportunities to fail. I know that it is the advarsary that wishes us to fall into sin and lost paths. Just the same it is discouraging when is comes with such persistance. I love my wife with all my heart. I know that through these trials, we will only become stronger. Tempered in the fire of satan himself. There must be something that we are to do, or one of our childeren, because the forces striving to destroy us are almost unbearable at times. To my wife I say; I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!